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Meet Deborah


Listening is a skill Deborah Morris developed during her professional writing career. As mayor, she will continue to listen to Garland residents to ensure the decisions made at city hall represent them.

Deborah and her husband, Terry, moved to Garland with their family in 1985.  A nonfiction writer, Deborah authored over 140 magazine features and 15 books while working from their Garland home. Her popular Real Kids Real Adventures book series was adapted as an Emmy-nominated Discovery Channel television series which aired in the U.S., Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, Canada and Europe.

It was an idea born right here in Garland that circled the globe.

A Lifetime of Service.

As the newly-elected president of the Northeast Garland Neighborhood Association, Deborah led the public effort in 1987 that saved the area’s greenbelt from becoming another paved road. That wooded greenbelt is now part of the prized Rowlett Creek Preserve trail system.


Red Cross Disaster Team Leader.

Deborah served as a Red Cross Disaster Team Leader from 1997 to 2002, leading the after-hours disaster response team. Her work with the Dallas-Area Red Cross Disaster Team led to her recognition as the organization's Volunteer of the Year in 2000.


Ongoing Community Service.

As a recognized community leader, Deborah was tasked to serve on Garland’s Building and Fire Codes Board, served as a youth group leader at Springcreek Community Church, served on the First Aid Team with the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) and currently co-leads youth group at Antioch Lake Cities Church in Garland. 

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Stood Up for Garland Residents.

In 2017, Deborah was once again called on to speak on behalf of hundreds of distressed Garland residents who felt they'd been ignored. This led Deborah to spearhead a successful recall effort that resulted in a council member's resignation. Afterward Deborah was asked to run for the City Council.

Real Leadership, Real Results.

Deborah was elected to the Garland City Council in 2018 and easily re-elected in 2020 and 2022.  She was chosen by her colleagues to serve as Deputy Mayor Pro Tem and then Mayor Pro Tem. During her time on council Deborah accomplished many important things for Garland residents, including neighborhood improvements, reduced taxes, a transformed Downtown, increased communications, and more.



As Council Member:


  • Chair: Community Services Committee 

  • Chair: Administrative Services Committee

  • Appointed to Mayor’s Task Force to improve zoning notification process

  • Represented the City of Garland on the NCTCOG (North Central Texas Council of Governments)

  • Represented the City of Garland on the EPPC (Emergency Preparedness Planning Council)

  • Development Services Committee member

  • Audit Committee member

  • Certified by TDEM (Texas Department of Emergency Management): Senior Officials Workshop for All-Hazards Preparedness

  • Certified by TDEM (Texas Department of Emergency Management): Whole Community Emergency Management Planning


As Community Member:


  • Served on City of Garland Building & Fire Codes Board

  • President of North East Garland Neighborhood Association

  • Served as volunteer Red Cross Disaster Team Leader (Volunteer of the Year in 2000

  • Served on First Aid Team with CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association)

  • Served as volunteer Youth Group Leader at Springcreek Community Church

  • Currently co-leads youth group at Antioch Lake Cities Church in Garland




  • Garland NAACP

  • National Association of Parliamentarians

  • GAHFA (Garland Association for Hispanic Affairs)

  • Honorary Lifetime Member of the VACGD (Vietnamese American Community of Greater Dallas)

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